This article showcases our top picks for the Best Cancer Inspirational Books. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).
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Table of Contents
Radical Hope by Kelly Turner
This product was recommended by Kathleen Brown from Buddhi

This book outlines the ten key factors that have effected the radical remission of thousands of terminal cancer diagnoses’ worldwide, with stories for each that show us how we have accept a diagnosis, but not it’s prognosis..
HEAL by Kelly Noonan Gores
This product was recommended by Kathleen Brown from Buddhi

Kelly wrote this book to follow-up on her award-winning Netflix documentary of the same name, with over two times as much content for anyone in cancer treatment or recovery to learn how our minds have the ability to impact our ability to heal. She invites over a dozen world-renowned health experts to share resources that are more powerful than any drug you can take!
I Quit by Kristina Schnack Kotlus
This product was recommended by Kristina Schnack Kotlus from KristinaKotlus

I Quit: Facing Cancer with Faith, Family and Friends by Kristina Schnack Kotlus is a rally cry for anyone facing a difficult situation to choose joy and embrace humor to make the best of their experience. Written by a brain cancer survivor, I Quit provides strength and encouragement to individuals struggling with cancer from the perspective of someone who has experienced it firsthand. Kotlus is a two-time cancer survivor, she was first diagnosed with brain cancer at age 28 and relapsed four years later when it had metastasized to her spine. When she found herself diagnosed with cancer for the second time, she chose to quit on day one. But rather than giving up on life, her quitting meant getting a whole new lease on life. I Quit offers readers a chance to do the same. In her book, Kotlus shares her story of going through two cancer diagnoses with the help of her family, friends, and faith in a relatable, funny way. Readers will appreciate her tips on everything from how to handle an initial diagnosis to why you should have doctors break the hard news to your children. She gives guidance on how to enlist the help of friends, even if you hate asking for help, how to deal with insurance providers, and ways to empower your children against insensitive remarks or prying adults. Kotlus gives her readers the confidence to question a diagnosis that seems dismissive or wrong, and helps you understand that you matter to many more people than you realize. Above all, she inspires readers to look for glimmers of joy even in the midst of cancer. Kotlus shares openly and honestly, with just a touch of sarcasm and a heavy dose of humor and faith, encouraging readers to decide that it’s time to stand up, wash the tears off their face, and keep going.
Belladonna Magic by Christine Sloan Stoddard
This product was recommended by Christine Sloan Stoddard from World of Christine Stoddard

This book celebrates the female body and its power and offerings in all its many forms. It looks at regeneration and renewal, with a particular respect for plants, animals, and nature’s other gifts.
Alicia’s Updates by Rene A. Fesler
This product was recommended by Rene A. Fesler from Honeysuckle Foundation

Written while my daughter was battling cancer & has triumphed, the basis of it is a series of emails to family & friends. Alicia’s Updates has been translated into Japanese & is being used for newly diagnosed patients at the University of Tokyo as an inspirational story. A raw account of the trials & tribulations of a pediatric cancer diagnosis, my book follows a year of inpatient treatment, follow up visits at the oncology clinic & life at home as Alicia who was 6 years old at the time navigates surgery, chemotherapy, radiation & Life.
Gypsy Energy Secrets by Milana Perepyolkina
This product was recommended by Milana Perepyolkina from Gypsy Energy Secrets

One of the worst days of my life was when my mother found out that she had cancer. I was shocked and terrified that my mother was on the floor with terminal patients. My mother decided she only had one chance left. She would use the old Russian Gypsy formula for physical health. Her journey and what she did to cure herself from the last stage of cancer using only nature is in the book
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
This product was recommended by Mark Stephenson from How To Shoe

The book is called When Breath Becomes Air authored by Paul Kalanithi, a neurosurgeon at Stanford University. What I really like about this is it’s written by him while battling cancer himself. He had so many questions regarding his purpose in life. On most chapters, it tells the struggles and the sadness he’s been going through for years. Unfortunately, his wife has to continue writing the book after he passed away.
New Beginnings by Bill Aaron
This product was recommended by Michelle D. Swaney from The Potty School

As a cancer survivor myself I was honored to be part of a group of people who managed to survive such a hard and life-changing experience. These during and after cancer updates are inspirational. When someone is newly diagnosed, and no words of comfort seem appropriate, a picture is worth a thousand words…and this photo book has amazing photography throughout.
Paint Your Hair Blue by Sue Matthews
This product was recommended by Gabrielle Hartley from

If you’re dealing with pediatric cancer, this book will both make you feel held, and give you great tips to navigate forward through this difficult time both practically and emotionally.
Resurrection Lily by Amy Byer Shainman
This product was recommended by Amy Byer Shainman from The BRCA Responder

An award-winning medical memoir; an inspiring story of inheritance and intuition. As Amy Byer Shainman discovers she has inherited a BRCA gene mutation that puts her at high risk of developing certain cancers, she struggles to come to terms with preventively removing her breasts when she does not have a breast cancer diagnosis. Through her experience making decisions about her health, Amy becomes invigorated with purpose and establishes herself as a leading advocate for those with BRCA and other hereditary cancer syndromes, tirelessly working to educate others facing the same daunting reality. Resurrection Lily paints a timely and moving portrait of what it feels like to carry a BRCA gene mutation and provides firsthand insight into the patient experience. Weaved throughout Amy’s open and vulnerable story is the expertise of her doctors, education from top medical experts in cancer genetics, and whispered lifesaving guidance from her grandmother Lillian.
Getting Things Off My Chest by Melanie Young
This product was recommended by Melanie Young from MelanieYoung

Charge head on into the battle with breast cancer, armed with these outstanding survivors’ tips on how to stay sane, focused, and in charge. Written by a breast cancer survivor with expert insights, handy checklists and helpful questions to ask your doctors, all geared toward streamlining your new life. This detailed, upbeat book helps you make informed decisions, eat and exercise to stay strong, look and feel your best, eliminate stress and boost your spirits with positive thinking and a dose of humor. Don’t let your cancer control you; empower yourself and ease the transition with this all-inclusive guide. The Author’s message of inspiration is: You may not have chosen to have cancer, but you can choose how you manage your treatment and treat yourself to stay strong, focused and healthy moving forward. This book is WINNER of the 2014 International Book Award for Cancer Health topics.
Fearless Fabulous You by Melanie Young
This product was recommended by Melanie Young from MelanieYoung

Stay Fearless and Fabulous at every age and stage of your life with inspirational insights, motivational quotes and helpful checklists to face challenges with grace and make the changes in life that are right for you. Make yourself your Number One priority and project your Amazing Authenticity and Brilliance. Motivational muse, wellness advocate and breast cancer survivor Melanie Young, author of International Book Award- winning, Getting Things Off My Chest, shares her tips on how to: Recharge your mental batteries and revalue your self-worth Release negative energy and embrace positive change Reconnect with your amazing talents and turn roadblocks into building blocks Reframe the vision of who you want to be and how you want to project yourself Reclaim the person you are destined to be and the life you want to live If you or a loved one is feeling stuck or in a rut, Fearless Fabulous You! will open your mind, reset your attitude and re-energize your spirit. Fearless Fabulous You! teaches the value of self-worth, accepting and loving yourself freely and freeing yourself from toxic people or situations. Keep this book by your bed to remind yourself every day that You can choose to be Fearless & Fabulous.